The PBAM Rebound Vol. 8

The PBAM Rebound Vol. 8 IN THE BLOOD NOT IN THE SHOES by Jake Maguigad Through all the years, the PBAM, has produced players or persons who have performed great on and off the hard court. They exemplified conduct and sportsmanship worth emulating. Only proper, deserving and befitting to honor these pioneers by featuring active

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Shawn Browne Basketball Camp

Shawn Browne Basketball Camp June 27th – August 5th ENDORSED BY THE PBAM COLLÉGE BREBEUF • 5625 Decelles, Montréal, QC H3T 1W4 Our camp focuses in enhancing your child’s overall enjoyment, participation and development in the game. Each of our levels help our players build their overall motor skills, team skills, and competitive skills. The

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PBAM Summer League

PBAM Summer League starts May 7, 2016. Please register your team for more info! Contact Aaron: 514-651-6313 or Dhabi: 514-570-4943 Divisions: 9 under 11 under 12 under 14 up Open (2 intercity player are allowed to play in each) Cut Off Date: May 01, 2016 Register now!

The PBAM Rebound Vol. 7

The PBAM Rebound Vol. 7 Winter League Finals 2015 – 2016 by Jake Maguigad April 30th was a glory day, notch it as one for the ages, from Opening tip-off to the ALL STARS AWARDS hats off. Not good but great, from buzzer-beaters, overtimes, shockers to heart – warming teary disappointments. And all played spirited

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Champs Summer Basketball Camp

Champs Summer Basketball Camp August 1st – 5th August 8th – 12th Champs Basketball is proud to announce our “Summer Basketball Camp”, which will be held at the Lakeside Academy in Lachine, Quebec at 9:00am – 4:00pm from Aug 1st to 5th , and Aug 8th to 12th . Lakeshore Academy • 5050 Rue Sherbrooke

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Zumbathon in Action!

PBAM Presents Zumbathon in Action! PBAM FUNDRAISER ZUMBA GLOW PARTY from Islaw Dela Cruz on Vimeo. An Event of Sweat, Dance, Move and Groove Friday April 22, 2016 8:30PM – 10:00PM Centre Sportif CDN 4880 Van Horne Avenue, Montreal ZUM FUN and fitness too! DONATION $15.00 Come & Support the PBAM and it’s Players while

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PBAM Registry Membership Card

*****IMPORTANT URGENT MESSAGE***** PBAM Registry Membership Card PBAM Playoff bound teams- each player MUST have their valid PBAM Registry Membership Card (RMC) available at all times. The RMC serves the purpose in validating a player’s age eligibility especially when the opposing team motions a protest. Player’s failure to present such card before or during the

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The PBAM Rebound Vol. 6

The PBAM Rebound Vol. 6 by Jake Maguigad The last time I wrote and released something for the website was after the PBA LEGENDS exhibition game of March 29, 2014. After 2 years, thought I try writing again. This piece is not intended to make waves, just a ripple perhaps. PROFILE OF A PBAM OFFICER

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Integrity is Everything

No matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is Everything.

No Wet Boots or Shoes in the Gym

No Wet Boots or Shoes in the Gym Winter is here and people are now wearing boots. Its going be important as always to control the entries to the gym. I know people dont like to leave their stuff in the locker or outside the gym but when they leave it on the sidelines its

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