Basketball Tournament

Zumbathon in Action 4

PBAM Presents Zumbathon in Action 4 PBAM FUNDRAISER with Zin Richel Llacer and Zin Richelle Calimlim Friday February 22nd, 2019 8:00PM – 10:00PM Centre Sportif Côte-des-Nieges4880 Van Horne Avenue, Montreal ZUM FUN and fitness too! TICKETS $10.00 Come Support our PIBNA Inter-City Players while Getting into Shape!

PIBNA 42 – Chicago, Illinois

The PBAM Rebound Vol. 17 PIBNA 42 – Chicago, Illinois by Jake Maguigad The U-11, 13, 15, 18, 5’10, 35, 45 were the PBAM Magnificent 7 to the PIBNA 42 Games hosted by PAPAA of Chicago, Sept. 1-2, 2018. They came, they saw, were conquered. Yet, in this quest, they earned the respect of teams

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Summer Homestretch 2018

The PBAM Rebound Vol. 15 SUMMER HOMESTRETCH 2018 by Jake Maguigad It’s been a hot summer so far, 27c a normal. But not a deterent for PBAM activities. Summer started with the 15 team Teen Cagers – Master Challenge. Next came the Multi-pals, an exercise of joy and fun of the game. And what counts,

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PIBNA 42 – Chicago Illinois

PIBNA 42 – Chicago Illinois Amazing but not surprising, the PBAM will participate with 7 teams in PIBNA 42 (Philippine Intercity Basketball of North America) to be hosted by PAPAA Chicago at the Libertyville Sports Complex, Libertyville Illinois, Sept. 1-2, Labour Day Weekend. The 7 team entry debunks the ridiculous contention the PBAM is decimated

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TeenCagers – Masters Challenge

PBAM Teen Cagers – Masters Challenge Montreal Basketball Invitational Tournament The PBAM Rebound Vol. 14 THE WEEKENDERS by Jake Maguigad It was a sizzling 39c Sunday, July 1st. Good enough reason to sought the cooling confines of the LS CDN gym and witness a sizzler of a better kind. The play-offs, the good games of

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PIBNA 41 Hamilton: The Grand Slam

The PBAM Rebound Vol. 12 PIBNA 41 Hamilton: The Grand Slam! by Jake Cepeda Maguigad The PBAM must have been doing something good all along, like making a wise Investment. It did and paid off with a good Dividend. Of 9 Divisions in PIBNA 41 Hamilton, 3, repeat THREE, was won by PBAM, the U-15,

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PIBNA 41 Hamilton

“Proud to play for the PBAM ROYALS in PIBNA 41 Hamilton, the start of the next PIBNA 40 years!” Since day one, Montreal has been & will always play a huge role in the PIBNA tournament, representing the most teams on a consistent basis year in, year out. We will continue to represent @ PIBNA,

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PBAM Multicultural Basketball Tournament

PBAM MULTI-PALS Multicultural Basketball Tournament July 2 – 3, 2016 • Starts at 9:30am CENTRE SPORTIF CÔTE-DES-NEIGES 4880 Van Horne Avenue Divisions: OPEN, U17, U15 REGISTER YOUR TEAM NOW!

Message from a Loyal PBAM Fan

Reflections on the PIBNA 39 Tournament… what an experience! Thank you Lord for bringing everyone back home safely. After 28 hours of just the drive back to Montreal, conquering approximately 5840 kms. (round trip), and enduring an average of 36 degrees C temperatures per day – altogether – a great tournament, a great time, and

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Message from the PBAM President

Good morning! Great communal effort on these initiatives on FUND RAISING for PIBNA 39 ! A big THANK YOU to each of those that have continually volunteered personal valuable personal time to achieve our goals. Thank you to all that donated monies and Yard Sale materials. You know who you are and we know who

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