Winter League 2015-2016 Registration

Registration for each player and team is mandatory! Team Registration Cut-Off Date: November 15th 2015 @ Midnight Fill out the Team Registration Form and email it to info@pbam.ca (or any PBAM Officer listed on the website) immediately to complete your team registration. Make sure that everyone listed on your roster has registered in person and

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MINUTES of 2015-2016 General Assembly Meeting

Philippine BasketballAssociation of Montreal MINUTES of 2015-2016 General Assembly Meeting Sunday September 20, 2015   Call to order: The PBAM meeting was held in LS CDN (Shadd) Gym, Montreal, Quebec on 20th of September, 2015. The meeting convened at 2:00PM, President Rick Aquino presiding with Internal VP Mike Castro, External VP Noel Tejada, Secretary Michael

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PBAM Winter League 2015-2016 – Coming Soon

PBAM Winter League Season 2015-2016 Where has the summer gone?! It is hard to believe fall season is around the corner! This means many students of all ages are heading back to school… and to say the least-the traffic to and from work begins to test our nerves… I remember the “back to school” days-

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Message from a Loyal PBAM Fan

Reflections on the PIBNA 39 Tournament… what an experience! Thank you Lord for bringing everyone back home safely. After 28 hours of just the drive back to Montreal, conquering approximately 5840 kms. (round trip), and enduring an average of 36 degrees C temperatures per day – altogether – a great tournament, a great time, and

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Message from the PBAM President

Good morning! Great communal effort on these initiatives on FUND RAISING for PIBNA 39 ! A big THANK YOU to each of those that have continually volunteered personal valuable personal time to achieve our goals. Thank you to all that donated monies and Yard Sale materials. You know who you are and we know who

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Zumbathon in Action!

PBAM Presents Zumbathon in Action! PIBNA FUNDRAISER An Event of Sweat, Dance, Move and Groove Friday August 14, 2015 8:00PM – 9:30PM Centre Sportif CDN 4880 Van Horne Avenue, Montreal ZUM FUN and fitness too! DONATION $10.00 Come & Support our PIBNA Inter-City Players representing Montreal!

Message from the PBAM President

The summer season is in full gear with a lot of activities that comes with it. Certainly wish you are all enjoying it and keeping safety in mind always. We, the Management of the PBAM (Philippine Basketball Association of Montreal) have assembled over 60 players (from 57 different teams) ranging in ages between 11 years

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To the PBAM Loyals, The PBAM / PIBNA bus has been secured for the Labor Day Weekend trip to Tampa Bay, Florida. The demand was high and the 56 seats filled up fast. Refer to notification below. Due to popular demand, we may have the possibility of another bus but.. YOU MUST REGISTER NOW! We

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July 4th PBAM Yard Sale Fundraiser

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Come Out and Support US! Let’s help each other out! The PBAM is having a yard sale fundraiser! We have secured a great location right in front of LS CDN Gym. We need great stuff to sell. So let’s get in those garages, clear-out those attics and closets cleaned out and

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PIBNA 39 – Tampa Bay

PBAM wants YOU…..for PIBNA 39! The 39th annual tournament to be held on September 5 and 6, 2015 in the City of Clearwater, Florida. PBAM Coaches and Managers per category have been established by the PBAM Management. Selection of players will be based on try-outs and attendance at scheduled practices (starts June 22nd). Selected Coaches

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